Our Services

Schools can choose from a range of recruitment services including:

  • An in-depth analysis of the school’s ethos, culture and also its organisational and financial operations. Our discussion with the school will include a specific focus on the relationships between the Governing Body, the Head and the Bursar. The full evaluation will then shape the preparation of the recruitment documents and enable ISBA Recruitment to match an individual with the necessary skillset to the school’s requirements.
  • Preparation of a comprehensive job specification.
  • Preparation of the person specification.
  • Handling of the recruitment process and the presentation; usually, of a shortlist of three or four candidates to the Governing Body and Head, from which interviews can be conducted and the final recruiting decision made.
  • Preparation of detailed contracts and reference checking (if required).
  • Provision of a comprehensive induction and training process to the new appointee if he/she is a new bursar.


  • Advice on organisational structure and financial benchmarking.
  • Comprehensive reports for Heads and Governing Bodies providing an objective, experienced external perspective.


  • Appraisals – every bursar should have a regular appraisal. When done properly this is far more than simply feeding back comments from colleagues and can be hugely mutually beneficial for both the individual and the school. We can help you through every step of the process.


  • Mentoring – a bursar’s life can be lonely with many conflicting demands. Whether you are a newly appointed bursar needing some help to get to grips with the role or an experienced bursar experiencing some ongoing difficulties, we can offer a listening ear and a dedicated contact for support and advice.

For further information on all these services please call 01256 330369.